Christmas on the Road


The holiday season can be a great time of year to loosen the belt and indulge in very unhealthy food! Everyone has different comfort foods that are a tradition during the holiday season. But where can truckers go who are out over the road on Christmas. But what places are open and serving a “Christmas Dinner”? If you are going to be working over the holiday check out these places.

All over the country churches, community centers, senior centers etc. are going to have holiday dinners. If you are unsure if there are any places in the area you could ask the customer you will be delivering at or picking up from if they have any suggestions of local places that are serving Christmas Dinner. Google is everyone’s best friend. Take to the internet and do some searching of events in the area you will be. Chamber of Commerce or Facebook pages of churches might also have information out there for you.

Christmas can be a hard time to be alone but don’t eat in your truck by yourself! Get out and go inside to a sit down restaurant. Order yourself a nice gourmet Christmas Dinner and enjoy your holiday. Small towns might be a different story you might not be able to find a chain restaurant to eat at but if you are in a big city with plenty of restaurants you can count on some of them to be open on Christmas. Many chains are catching on to the trend that not everyone is wanting to spend the time and the money to make big Christmas dinners anymore. Now I’m not saying this is the same for all American households just making a comment! But many people are enjoying going out and having a nice meal and then not having to worry about grocery shopping, prep, feeding people and then all the cleanup. Here are some restaurants that are usually open over Christmas: Denny’s (Try their Honey Jalapeño bacon as this is a Daily’s product), Waffle House, IHOP, Applebee’s, Iron Skillet, and Cracker Barrel. A great app to use to help find restaurants open on Christmas is Yelp. Type in the city you will be in and it will pull every restaurant up for you.

Most truck stops are open on Christmas but not all serve a Christmas dinner or even a buffet. Plan your trip and call ahead to see if they are serving food. Or you could use your new Pilot app that we gave information for during Driver Safety meetings. Some rest stops do offer free driver meals on Christmas Day. Having a nice Christmas dinner with other drivers who are also out away from family will give you social interaction and a sense of community with other drivers.